Sunday, July 18, 2004
jus too tired to blog this few days..hmm.. no idea whyy.. sat: i did the same oldd stuff..sit on my armchair, turned on the music, at moi work area doing up notices, designing stuff.. act i thought of leaving at 4+ so i as usual, try to rush and finish up werk assigned to me asap..yep..i did finish.. and soo..i approached e managing directorr and asked if she needed any other help..of cos werk is moi first priority before anyting elsee..even if its on a sat.. she said yes, and asked me if i could helpp in the operations department..i agreed ppl may say tat im foolish..y carry stuff, run here and there and make urself sweaty/dirty when u can sit in e office do office work.. hmm i cant say i dislike office workk..butt..i prefer to move around..rather then haf my butt glued on e chair..well hahs its juss me.. i was happy wif e guyss there..though we didnt talk of the staff there even asked me aint i supposed to work in e office instead of out heree..hahahas.. e reason i figured outt is prolly cos there aint stress..compared to when ya in the office..cos in ops department as long as yr fast, dont laze ard can ler.. butt office work..there is certain expectation in you..there may be use up lots of brain cells in office work. butt....needless to say..u learn more when ya in e office.. yeps the driver sent me to blk 85 hehs after our last delivery..heh..i was all dirty wif my specs on and stuff.. how to say..hmm.. hmm..ppl ask moi why i wear specs whyy..why hair so messy why why why..all these and that.. hmm..well reason being is cos when i werk..i dont bother on what i wear..whether my shirt matches my pant's color, hair color or shoes etc etc..i dont long as my dress codes rite..i also wear my specs everyday when i werk..hahehe..some kept saying y y y wear specs? then is lyke everyday i jus bring my water bottle theree..thats whyy my hair oweas messyy and all..then serene keep laffing at moi..i haf no clue yyy..yy kept saying abt moi specs well the foods good hehh..i want to go see fireworks on national day!!! yeyy.. |
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