Saturday, October 08, 2005
finally im out..3 weeks confinement is relly a killer i tell yer..lols half dead but NOT dead yet..lols updates as promised.. lols basically everday i have to fight the z monster (sleep durin lects = weekend burned) lucky ma fwens have kopiko (coffee candy) lols..though i dont really like e taste of coffee..but i rather eat e sweet than to get caught lols.. we have to write journals daily..take tests (fail = confinement) learn new weapons.. instructors call me not by ma name but other nicks lols..shall not elaborate much on that..i always tio shoot by instructors.. everywhere we go its either march or double..almost never walk at all.. i change clothes while im sheetin.. whenever i hand will reach out to the shampoo and e other..liquid soap then cleanse etc etc.. i tell yer its impt and very essential to multi task..then its 2 person to a room..act i very much prefer the open concept as in 12 to 14 ppl to a room..our chemistry will be better and we will be able to gel better..what to do.. im e sports ic..bascially conduct warm up warm down..sports..ippt related stuff.. of cos as officer cadets we do get some perks (compared to when were in bmtc) fruits we get to choose the fruits.. breakfast bread 'freeflow' hm thats very much bout it lols! then since its progressive trainin..we started our endurance trainin wit 4 click followed by 5 click..6 click.. 7 click will commence next week.. oh yes..last week was our family day (: ma family and god ma came..elated when i saw them..they bought milk..fried hokkien mee..rojak..bean curd over..lols..i gobbled everything up like nobodys business.. then from 1 bar..we upgraded to 2 bars.. o yes ma platoon jus got ourselves defaulters parade... ![]() me and ma sis.. im very interested in guards.. yey today onwards..will get to book out every weekend..lols -chuckles act i prefer to book out wit smart 4..still have to book out wit white long sleeves..shirt..pants and leather shoes..lols..bit out of pt lols.. heard 29th oct got one neon sento trip..cant wait! wait up peeps! lols.. |