Friday, August 04, 2006
![]() hello world! o its been long since ive made an entry. well work is pretty much the same. fought fire yesterday! -XAT pose finally some action can! been yearning for such stuff! damn! simulated enemy ambush movement.. the enemy cock up! xP threw the smoke too close to dry vegetation. ignited sparks thus the huge fire. initially the fire was pretty small. scorching sun + strong wind resulted in the huge fire. we wasted 12 mini extinguishers + 10+ jerry cans just to put out the fire. the wind was blowing up north. therefore we went fought against the wind. the safety distance is super short. now i understand why trapped victims in engulfed flames would rather jump off tall buildings than to get burn. almost all the key appointment holders went over to lend a helping hand. so XAT can! -hops around fire fighter cum instructor cum safety officer yest wors! sheet money not easy earn can? - sheepish look my life now evolves around NS. family. gf lol! how i wish i could spend time with my chums! AH. seriously i do. howevever i dont have the luxury to book out like what my counterparts are doing and and.. i always feel i dont spend enough time with family and gf.. 07 05 07. count down with me ppl! i'll further! like sports science or physio degree. sth related i guess. im one who just cant stay still for long. i prefer more physical related stuff. some PR. i like communicating with ppl. like meet different ppl everyday! widen social contacts etc. oh yes AH. we'll cable ski this monday. so eggcited can? -beams tmr's our marathon! woo! guess what ppl. i was told if you were to run below 2 hr sth for the 21k you are entitled for a refund! like what the freak can? i didnt sign up for the goodie bag cos you have to pay 19 bucks for the goodies! AH..i didnt know else i would sign up. HAHAH yes AH. the committee damn up loes. instructions pretty grey yo. yey! running tmr! theres no 'i' in teamwork. |
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