Tuesday, November 07, 2006
i feel pretty lousy. backlash from the previous days incident i guess..mind is like clouded with plenty of negative thoughts.. though ma seniors are back in business..ma bars feel less heavy now.. however..i still sometimes feel really low.. like more often than not, its hard to make things happen..like my base scale..wuokay..true enough..nowadays..be it the harsh and cruel reality of the working world..or matches..games..we have to be interdependent with one another to achieve success..fruits of labour etc. how can it happen when the other department cant make things happen for you. simple requests cant even be fulfilled.. unmotivated? fine. then i internalise and think as to how to motivate the colleague without playing triumph card which is to inform their bosses (fellow officers) end in mind is to achieve win win. etc..its best at the end of the day..every walks away smiling. happy about the outcome.. so how do you do it. some of em just cant even be bothered about promotion. they are contented with drawing 2000+ salary even though they're 30+ just dont feel like talking about it anymore..its just not motivating man. seriously. took ippt this evening.. lucky still managed to secure the bling bling.. i think i almost missed the 2.4 gold timing. for the first time..i felt really drained and tired..seriously pushing myself etc to the finishing line.. think maybe its cos my mind and body didnt get enough rest..just couldnt sleep well the past few days..sometimes i just feel like doing something..however ive to constantly remind myself its no longer the same.. tossing and flipping..sigh.. i sat in this senior commanders talk..full house..he told us he likes going overseas..and i reckon so too.. then he told me everytime he goes on hols..he would plan.. every nitty gritty detail..he would plan..explaining he didnt like the idea of idling around wasting time when hes on hols.. thus..he would generate timetable or rather a schedule like for this period from 4-5 activities blah blah.. his wife would just take the schedule and tear it to bits and pieces..she would retort..grumble and tell his hubby to relax..and enjoy..forget bout the planning..dovetailing etc.. lol.. i think im suffering his syndrome leh.. how. theres this chinese saying..it goes..chuan dao qiao dou zi ran zi.. i guess i should just adopt it and imprint it in my mem chip or sth right xP sometimes im just too tired to plan. sometimes i'll just like to take a break..get away from this monotonous lifestyle..seriously lah.. tmr got mission yet again..seriously dong zit dong zit liao loh..in the planning room..sheesh.. shoot me with water gun someone.. /ROAR! |
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