Monday, December 04, 2006
mm. been pretty hectic the past few days..completely engrossed with loads of activities..and thus..heh..pretty tired and lazy to update.. right.. friday there was acpc. for main course i had fish..salmon to be exact..i would definitely choose beef ANYTIME..however my colleagues told me they had beef the last acpc and there was blood when they slitted the meat..then had some white wine with the fish..heh.. pretty groggy leh..i thought i could hold my liquor pretty well..i just had 1 glass and some port wine..sheesh.. so i banged the bed immed that night..uhm.. then came saturday..we went to sento..seriously relished the moments we spent together crapping joking around..should be going down again this saturday if everything goes well..heh.. yes ben's birthday celebration was a success..i could see him smiling gleefully (: should be loaded with presents lah that boy..righto..then went mos straight after his celebration.. sheesh..packed like sardines..i rather dance to chinese techno than to go smoove again can.. unless theres like a strong reason why..else i doubt i'll be going smoove again..really dont even space to even stand still -rolls eyes only consolation is i managed to see yuping..long time bo catch up with her adi..liew..seriously.. then went back to camp today..theres this conference..we have to prep and deconflict certain most of the staff have to be present (: will be rotting at hm from tue to the end of the week! heh will be renting dvds tmr after swimming..oh yes..friday there's this x country challenge! apparently i've been notified the members in my team are pretty strong! heh.. hope i'll be able to take hm with some medals lah heh -smirks wish me luck people! |
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