Tuesday, August 07, 2007
![]() ![]() yep. i'll most probably be getting these two products. 214 for the bag. 20 for the bottle. for the bag. i'll most likely settle for this model. color wise..im still uncertain which one i shld get. the staff told me there will be more colors available next season. such as desert camo/ snow atlas camo print etc. it sure sounds cool. not sure if i'll look good wearing it. ive been getting fat tips lately. heh. it makes work really motivating. i sum up the tips with my earnings for the day. i'll pocket roughly 13 dollars per hr. i'll only be working this sunday though. heh. more often than not..i'll leave my weekends for my beach volley mates unless we're talking about birthdays or major events. yep. mm my modules are interesting. except for accounting. i dislike quantitative subjects lah. lucky for me 3 out of 4 subjects are qualitative. like today for instance. for sociology lesson i picked up various salient learning issues. its real interesting. like everything happens for a reason. for instance. you walk down the streets..towards the taxi stand and you see a queue being formed. why is that so? why ppl do what they do? how society change? so sociologist explains phenomenons such as these. met korn this afternoon on the bus. shes taking banking and finance. yep shes joining the council. apparently..theres quite a number of departments. sports and events management. i only remembered these two. lol! thats because im interested in sports and shes interested in events management. yep. i'll be joining the council for sure. not sure if they'll take me. yes i made a wager with j. whoever get hitched will have to treat a sumptuous meal. so we agreed that we'll focus primarily on studies. im pretty sure i wont lose. my single life has been smashing thus far. im not ready for a relationship now. if youre still unattached by the time im ready. lovely. if not..i'll move on. lol well j seems really busy with hall life. he still wants to join volleyball. i'll see what happens. our date tmr is not going to happen. im sure hes enjoying himself now. heh. happy for him. yes chris..j's in KR. life is wonderful together now ppl! la la la la la la la life is wonderful ah la la la la la la life is full circle ah la la la la la la life is wonderful oyster and myself! |
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