Sunday, June 20, 2004
hee harrr! shake it ohooh! shake it shake!
yeyyhoohooo! im backiee! jus for moi loyal readers!! muahahas =Pp fri: was surprised tat i was able to wakee up without the aid of de alarm clockk!! lahs actually is cos i slept at 1145 so..heeheee.. well..had mee siam theree for breakfastt..added lots of limee..hahs..the gravvy very hot and spicyy..butt nicee =Pp was sweating alreadyy but jus cont eating hee =P dont caree! ehh then did some cleaning of the pictures using photoshop as the pics were like ten years back..muahaa antique pics =x pics wif colors fading + dirty white spots ler hehe..den print it and framee it upp =)also tried spraying and painting frames for da first tymee! wooohoo! was lot of fun..wanted to play ard by spraying my fwen butt haha he beri seriouss type onee cannot playy =\ + =( hahas =P den when i came bac..i spent the nite surfin net..chatting..reading comics and groovin to hip hop songs hehee =P sat: had mixed feelings when i woke upp..hahs sian..haf to wake up early (815am)go tp for sip on campuss training awww mann!! tats likee duhs..soo boring..damn reluctant to goo..but cant skip itt damn! hahas cos tats like damn important cos its part of my sip sem bo piann hahs..went theree and intro-ed wot i did during the first week of my sip hehe..its a sharing session so those in moi class also shared deirs too..after which..went for lunch over at mensa wif xueli slyvia(mei) big dan small dan sf pl md fai gav and afew otherss =Pp when bac hm to slp after lecturee..hahas butt damn shitty!! >.< i overslept and woke up at 515 =x haha! woah..den like a ganchiong spidey i quickly bath..wear moi clothing den put on my hat without combing hairr and left hse at 545+ (supposed to meet at 6 orc ctrl) woah butt shitty when i reached orc ctrl i saw eliza and sharon walking towards moi hahs they also late due to ndp thingy..the first thing sharon saw me..she say 'eh bu yao act cutee lah' woa bth tat toopid smelly zhu tou thingy haha! =P always didnt do anything but still keep suan-ing mee..always start ones..den i suan her bac! haha keep suaning here and theree loh and yes throughout the whole outing! sheesh..hahas! crapy..kk when we reached theree we went down da stairs..and saw my custos freshiess! oohooo! hehe damn excitedd..cos long time nver see dem ler..hadd nice dinner theree..we shared lots of food..sitting wif derry korn sharon eliza korn heh..had nice conversation wif both freshies and da gls..loads of pics taken too HEHE -bai pose- =x almost everypic always got ppl play my hat leh =\ den when they took out my hat hah they laffed at me haha! paiseh sial cos in publicc =\ but ok lah..its ok..dont haf image ler anywae hah! =P most imptly they are havin fun and laffing =) i ok wif it lah..but cos i didnt comb hair den hair abit funny take pics also abit wierd wierd one =P den after dinner we went over to esplanadee..played truth or dare HAHA damn ppl locking lips for 10s lols..singing chinese songs (woa limin u really damn power like showcase talent sia hah! u really can sing! u go gurl! aha! =P)..ppl shouting out loud saying they horny..doing lots of dancing haha..hugging tree saying i love u etc etc..really funny..had lots of fun laffin at dem =x LOL BWHAHA..afterwhich jus chill and review the pics tat were taken..leftt esplanade wif jed joy wei fen at 12+ 1..really had loads of fun wif dem..hopee to haf more of thiss =) gonna change midi tones every week!! =Pp hopee you guys likee itt!! =) this week!! Summer Snow - Sissel i came to noe of this song when i was watching summer snow..i never fail to watch every episode..hais very very sad love story.. Summer Snow Synopsis: ![]() Comments: Very touching and emotional love story. pls pls PLS PLS watch it..its really really good..hais.. when the searchlight shone out from the window into the darkness of the sea... tiny particles that were like cotton balls were seen.... it was recorded that it was as if it were snow...... I want to see it once.... thousands of meters deep under the sea.... the pure white Summer Snow.... |
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