Thursday, December 07, 2006
i'm rotting..this can't be chris, gen and len yest for dinner..then chris suddenly sparked off this conversation regarding the need to save up for study allowance etc..then i realised i've oso been spending most of my ns pay though i do save up a meagre sum every month..i'm such a spender..reckon i'll need some part-time work on and off whilst studying.. then chio till peng..tenacious d is super duper hilarious/ kind of show..the trailer didn't appear to be as interesting though..i'm giving it 8.5/10 of the higher rating shows i've given thus far.. FWHAHA..very nice..especially the part where he had to deactivate the laser thingy using his erected below..not for boys and girls below 18 though xP show quite hardcore too lah..the rock music.. AND i learnt a new phrase from len.. cover the face fuck the base..HA ok i rented you got served and meet the fockers..will be staying at hm for this two titles.. about the zouk exp aye..heng bo miss out much -pheww |
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