Thursday, August 16, 2007
yeps. decided not to join the src. doesnt look impressive indeed.think i'll just focus my attention solely on studies. i still have to make time for family friends and work. i dont exactly need the extra income generated frm work. its just sth good to have? so theres a possibility ill not work for the entire week (like this wk for example!) afterall. im somewhat glued to this current job because of the flexibility it can offer to us part-timers. met up with j yest. he smsed me earlier whether i'll be free on wednesday. do some shopping with him. he wanted to check out formal wear. you know those shirts you wear (i dont! but most males do) to clubbing or what nots. yep. apparently kr (nus) organised this dating event whereby ppl residing (j correct me if im wrong) there will have to get a date and think its just a dinner? nothing else? lol. maybe some games. i dont know but mainly interaction. get to know the date better etc. he told me how he landed with his date. its simply hilarious. tts sth i'll never do. lol then moreover his date is the mm very goody two shoes type. im not saying this type of girls arent gd. haha..but (for me) its good to have a companion whos like super yes. oh yes. j digs girls who can either sing or dance. and..i thought im random. haha but hes worst. he can suddenly interrupt amid a conversation and tell me abt this girl that walked past us or or some random in a sense..going out with j is never boring. and yes..we got ourselves 1 x milkshake. as usual..vanilla for me and choc for j. ahah its priced at 2.20 each now xP oh yar. j can finish the milkshake like in 8 mins z. he kept coughing haha. idiot. told him to slowly sip it lest he gets brain freeze or sth yep but he didnt heed. haha all the way he was coughing and coughing. yepp. ok after combing pacific plaza..we crossed the road and headed to zara (the one directly opp shaw hse) haha he spotted one shirt. pretty catchy. the print. it costs 87 i think. yep. so he went on and tried it. i thought it looked really nice on him. and then i asked him what he is going to match the shirt with. he told me his blue jeans. lol. i immediatey cocked my eyebrow and gave him the 'eeyer' look and told him it'll be better if he can couple it with a grey or brown jeans. i looked down (i was wearing a grey jeans then) and figured i'll let him try it on to prove my pt. lol we were pretty lazy. i vividly remembered it was between 2-3pm. there was only like a handful of shoppers. and you know zara level 2. its only the mens department. we didnt think so much lah. haha we didnt go into the changing rm. we just stripped and exchanged our pants HAHA. we did it super fast lah. thought we'll be able to make it (finish changing) before somebody spots us. basket! as i was abt pull up the (blue) of the male staff came. i look at him he look at me. silent for a second or two. lol he gave me the blur look. dont know wt to do. he smiled and walked out..then after 7s..walked in again. told us to go to the fitting rms and change next time (like theres a next xP) hahahaha. and its really nice. i passed my belt to him too. hahahah complete set. so i wore his blue jeans. the color didnt match the green t i was wearing tt day. but nvm. ppls 'big' day on thur haha. doubt he'll stick with his date lah. hah but he can socialise and know other girls there (: someone who can dance or sing ah xP sheesh. yayyyyyyy. going mindcafe tmr. yep. oh yes ppl this wkend there will be fireworks display at the esplanade. it'll commence at 9. and it'll last for 10-12 mins. tts what i read on the papers. so interested parties do go there early yarrrr check this out j. hott hott hott xP wonderful vocals. |
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